Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Recompiling Mendel GEN6 firmware.

I downloaded the GEN6 source code and the Arduino + Sanguino package from Medel-parts.
Unziped the source code folder FiveD_GCode_Interpreter and the arduino-0018 folder.

Before we star the development environment we need to power up the Mendel and connect the USB cable.

In the arduino-0018 folder I started arduino.exe From the "File->Open" menu I opened the file "FiveD_GCode_Interpreter.pde" in the FiveD_GCode_Interpreter folder, and it loaded into a new window.

To increase the amount of steps/mm we need to find the definition of E0_STEPS_PER_MM in the file configuration.h

It was defined to be 20.2 and we need to increase this for Adrian's geared extruder by approximately 38 times (to 767.6). After some research I found that someone else, after some tests, had to change this to 780.6.

So I changed the line to: #define E0_STEPS_PER_MM 780.6

Before we compile and upload our modified firmware, be sure to select the right COM port under "Tools->serial port" and the platform under "Tools->Board" to "Sanguino".

Press the upload button and it will hopefully compile and upload the new firmware.

I printed my test cube again again and this time it looked extremely promising...

However, after a while the the pressure seems to go down  and  the last layers was only small dribbles of plastic. I suspect it has to do with the filament retraction when the nozzle moves to a new position. Time to elaborate with the gear lash...

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